Post by Ben BleythingAbsolutely! We welcome newbies, both to Ruby and to Portland. It
sounds like we may end up not doing presentations tonight (unless we can
find a space quickly), but you should definitely try to make it out!
Thanks Ben. I look forward to it.
Hans, "relative inexperience in Ruby" is more like "total
inexperience." On the meeting location, though I don't know how big
meetings usually are, I can recommend, despite only having been in
town a few months, rontoms on 600 E Burnside St. It is a big
warehouse-style bar that serves many local brews and has the ability
to cater to groups of varying sizes (I've been to a several functions
there, with the largest having been about 15-20 people I think). Ah,
since I wrote that John made what sounds like a great suggestion,
though clearly I'll leave that decision to all of you.
David and Mike, sorry that I was vague. The language I worked on is
called Natural (as in, I'm a Natural lover ;) ). It is primarily a
mainframe language, though it does have many sites using their PC
version too. It is not like Ruby or PHP in that it is owned and run by
a German company. I picked it up back home in South Africa (they are
found around the globe), before coming to work in many states around
the US. But it is high time I changed direction. Here in Portland I
am told that both the City of Portland and Nike use Natural, but I
have never found a job posting. I've also heard that State government
in Salem might be using Natural. I've used related products, like
Construct, an awesome code generator, and I regret to admit that I
have used the dreaded VB. I continue to do penance ;). Right now I am
also playing with PHP and MySQL.
Mike, on buying beers...maybe after I find a job ;). I looking hard
but the market seems quiet. Suggestions welcome.
Thank you all for the warm welcome. You made my day. I'm really
looking forward to it.